AMATA Japanese Society Annual General Meeting 2024

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On March 20, 2024, AMATA executives, including H.E. Mr. Shiro Sadoshima, Executive Advisor of AMATA Corporation PCL. and former Japanese Ambassador to Thailand, Mr. Eiichi Tanabe, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of AMATA Corporation PCL, Mr. Osamu Sudo, Acting Chief Marketing Officer of AMATA Corporation PCL, and Mr. Aukkares Choochouy, Managing Director of AMATA Facility Services Company Limited, participated in the Annual General Meeting of the AMATA Japanese Society (AJS) at AMATA Castle.

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Pictures (clockwise): HE Mr. Shiro Sadoshima converses with a member of the AJS, while Mr. Eiichi Tanabe addresses the audience. Additionally, Mr. Osamu Sudo and Mr. Aukkares Choochouy are seen engaging with participants.

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The AJS, a voluntary organization facilitating exchange and knowledge sharing among Japanese entities, drew over 50 executives from member companies to the meeting. The event included an exchange of information and a presentation by Mr. Mori Tadahiko, Deputy Director General of International Business Development at the Urban Renaissance Agency (UR), who outlined the overview and development plan of the AMATA Japan Smart City.

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The meeting concluded with a cocktail reception and networking session, fostering further collaboration and partnerships among attendees.

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