
AMATA industrial estates connect to public areas of local communities, leading to a significant volume of people traveling within these areas. Additionally, numerous large industrial factories pose risks of accidents and emergencies such as traffic accidents, fires, and chemical spills. These incidents can have a significant impact on stakeholders such as employees, contractors, customers, and nearby communities. Besides the potential loss of life and property from accidents or emergencies, it could also affect stakeholders’ trust in the Company.


Management with a commitment to becoming a ‘Safety City, Smart City’ helps build trust among customers in business continuity by having emergency response plans in place, skilled and knowledgeable employees, as well as monitoring systems and risk prevention measures. Additionally, it helps to increase the surrounding communities’ confidence in the Company's ability to address and prevent various types of risks, including disseminating knowledge to the communities to create a safe society both within and outside the industrial estates, aiming to reduce the social impact caused by industrial estate operations.

Management Approach

The Company is committed to creating a safe environment in and around the industrial estate. It emphasizes compliance with relevant laws, preparedness in equipment and manpower for various emergencies, and safety promotion activities for employees, customers, contractors, and surrounding communities. The goal is to foster safety awareness, provide knowledge and understanding, and collaboratively build a safe society and confidence in the communities neighboring the industrial estates.

The Company has policies on safety, occupational health, and the working environment, as well as guidelines for its employees, customers, and contractors working in its areas to comply strictly with the rules, regulations, and laws relevant to safety management in industrial estates, such as the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998) and the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Act B.E. 2554 (2011). The Company adopts international standards in area management, such as ISO 14001:2015, and regularly conducts occupational safety risk assessments and analyzes the effectiveness of occupational health and safety control measures.

The Company has applied the principles of zero accidents to manage workplace safety for its employees and contractors, as well as safety management in its industrial estates and surrounding areas under the "Safety City, Smart City" project initiated in 2019 by using AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate as a pilot project. Additionally, the Company has incorporated modern technology into its safety management planning to further enhance the benefits to the Company across its operational areas.

Occupational Health and Safety of Employees

The Company places significant emphasis on ensuring compliance with relevant laws among its employees and instilling a culture of occupational health and safety practices throughout all levels of its executives and employees with the goal of reducing the lost time injury frequency rate (LITFR) to zero.

To achieve this goal, the Company has organized activities to promote occupational health and safety, including health promotion for the Company's employees, as follows:

1. Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment
  • The Company has required every business unit to identify work-related hazards and assess risks to the health and safety of employees. Supervisors and employees collaborate to identify and assess these risks, including establishing measures to control and minimize risks or eliminate hazards and reviewing the risk assessment once a year.

2. Reporting and Investigating Unusual Incident or Accident
  • When an accident or unusual incident occurs during the work operation, the employee who encounters the incident or the supervisor who has been informed is required to report the accident or unusual incident to their supervisor and the safety officer immediately. The Company has established an investigation process to collaboratively identify the root causes and determine additional preventive measures to reduce the risk of recurrence.

3. Employee Health Promotion
  • The Company has provided all employees with suitable working environments that are not harmful to their health by regularly measuring the working environment according to the risk factors of each area, such as air quality, light, and noise; and has improved them to meet the standards and requirements of each job.

  • The Company has assessed areas in the office building that may be at risk of occupational injury and fire and has taken steps to improve those areas by installing additional equipment or replacing the existing equipment in ready-to-use condition, as well as regularly inspecting the equipment to ensure that it is in good working condition, such as non-CFC fire extinguishers, backup torches installed at emergency exits, and safety signs, etc.


     The Company has provided health check-ups for new employees since joining, the annual health check-up, support for medical expenses, and health consultations by the company’s nurse for all employees (100%).The Company has annually provided the Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine for its executives and employees to boost immunity and reduce the rate of illness that may cause infectious complications as well。

  • The Company has supported activities to promote employee health, both physical and mental, by establishing a health club and sports clubs according to employees' interests, including a meditation club and various sports clubs such as yoga, running, badminton, football, aerobics dance, etc.

  • The Company collaborated with Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun Hospital (SiPH) to organize the "AMATA Health Day" activity, aiming to raise awareness among employees about the importance of maintaining good health to prevent diseases. The activity included a lecture on "Taking Care of Yourself Easily, Keeping Away from Fat and Diabetes" by a gastroenterologist, as well as Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) body composition measurements to receive health care recommendations from nutritionists.

4. Employee Occupational Health and Safety training
  • The Company has organized the annual basic firefighting training and fire evacuation drill to ensure that all employees are well-prepared to handle emergencies and learn the skills required for basic fire suppression, proper safety practice during a fire, data recording procedures, assessment of the time spent for evacuation, and communication efficiency during the incidents, as well as informing the summary of training results to the participated employees.

In 2023, an employee of the Company experienced a work-related injury that led to their absence from work. As a result, the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) for employees was 1.53 cases per million working hours.

Occupational Safety of Contractor

The Company has focused on the importance of the occupational health and safety of the contractors of both the Company and the customers in the industrial estates who operate the works in the Company's operating areas. The Company has, therefore, informed its safety and occupational health policies, including the guidelines for various measures related to their work operation in both of AMATA's industrial estates, by arranging meetings to clarify to the contractors of both the Company and the customers, as well as, reiterating their obligation to strictly comply with labor laws and occupational health and safety. However, the Company’s employee in charge of the project will be responsible for supervision of the contractor’s operation, and if there is a serious injury to the level of stop working, the contractor must notify the Company as well.

In 2023, the Company assessed the occupational safety risks of its suppliers and contractors, including standard operations and supervision related to the occupational health and safety of their employees. The Company also provided occupational health and safety training to its contractors, covering topics such as solid waste spillage management for the waste handling and sorting staff at the contractor's waste separation plant, sorting of waste, safe forklift car driving for the contractor’s workers working in the Company’s area, basic firefighting and fire evacuation training, and drills.

In 2023, none of the contractors’ employees were found to have had an accident that resulted in work absence or death, and the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of contractors' employees working in the Company's areas was 0 cases per million work hours.

Emergency Management in AMATA Industrial Estates

The Company has emphasized the importance of the safety of customers operating in AMATA Industrial Estates, either in common areas or in the effective management of emergencies.  In addition, the Company had not only established a fire station according to the regulations of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand on Utilities System, Facilities, and Service Standards for Eco-Industrial Estate B.E. 2557 (2014) but also established 2 Emergency Response Centers in AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate and 1 Emergency Response Center in AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate operated by the emergency response personnel obtained the statutory training with expertise in firefighting and disaster relief whom can be contacted 24 hours by the customers via the direct telephone numbers of the Emergency Response Centers at AMATA City Chonburi and AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate.

Moreover, the Company had foreseen the risks of emergencies such as fire and chemical leaks inside the factories in the industrial estates, which are beyond the management authority of the Company.  The Company, therefore, had established an industrial firefighting school to provide training services in both theory and practice on safety, occupational health, and a good working environment, as well as, fire prevention and suppression in the workplace to the factories located in AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate and AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate in order to promote both industrial estates to be safe areas with occupational health and working environment required by the law so that the employees working in the establishments can perform properly in case of having fire in their workplaces.

In 2023, the Company suppressed 20 fire incidents for its customers in both industrial estates. Furthermore, the Company has implemented the following activities to promote occupational health and safety in the areas of AMATA Industrial Estates:

  • The Company had organized basic firefighting, fire evacuation drills, and other safety-related training for the factories in both industrial estates, both onsite and online, with a total of 737 classes and a total of 110,764 trained factory
  • The Company, in collaboration with the IEAT offices of AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate and AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate, organized an on-site and online emergency control drill (chemical spills, gas leaks, and fires) for the year 2023 to enhance the staff of the Emergency Response Centers in responding to emergencies and to develop expertise in operations, communications, equipment use, and so on, in order to control and mitigate incidents for factory operators and people in nearby areas in a timely manner.
  • The Company, in collaboration with the AMATA City Management Group (ACMG) in Rayong, organized a training session on "Professional Management of Occupational Health and Safety" for association members. The training was provided to factories located within the AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate to enhance skills, and knowledge, and promote effective workplace safety management within the factories.
  • The Company, in collaboration with the Occupational Safety and Health Division of the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare, organized a seminar on "The Safety of Portable Fire Extinguishers" for customers in both AMATA Industrial Estates. This seminar aimed to promote knowledge and understanding of the correct and appropriate use of portable fire extinguishers, as well as reduce the risk of accidents from their use.

Road Safety in AMATA Industrial Estates

Both AMATA Industrial Estates have more than 1,321 factories and tenants, with approximately 295,000 people working in these areas and over 955,857 residents in the surrounding communities. According to a survey on the negative impacts resulting from business operations, road safety, and traffic congestion emerge as major concerns for all key stakeholder groups. This is due to the layout of the AMATA Industrial Estates, where multiple public roads intersect with the estate roads, directly affecting factory owners, employees, and community members commuting through the area, resulting in traffic congestion and road accidents.

The results of the road usage survey within the AMATA Industrial Estate in 2023 revealed that more than 119,400 vehicles were using the roads per day, consisting of 1,900 employee shuttle buses, 49,000 personal passenger cars, and 68,500 motorcycles. This resulted in traffic congestion during rush hours within the industrial estate and on public roads in the surrounding communities. Additionally, there were statistics on fatal road accidents, with the number increasing steadily from 2015 to 2017, reaching a peak of 15 fatalities in 2017.

The Company has therefore set a target to implement road safety measures to reduce all types of accidents that occur within the AMATA Industrial Estate and reduce fatalities by 50% compared to 2022. The aim is to create a safe society to support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 3, Target 3.6, which aims to reduce the number of deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by half. In 2023, the Company continued its activities to create a "Safety City, Smart City" and the "100% Helmeted Safety Organization" project, initiated in 2022, to address traffic and safety issues for commuters within the AMATA Industrial Estate and public roads in the surrounding areas.

Safety City, Smart City

Concerning road safety and traffic congestion, the Company has implemented a strategy that emphasizes cooperation both within and outside the organization and the principle of the Decade of Action for Road Safety, which focuses on strict traffic control measures. Traffic committees have been formed to address traffic issues in both industrial estates. The committees consist of representatives from more than 20 organizations, which are central and local government agencies and factory operators in the industrial estates. They work together to generate ideas and develop a traffic management plan to solve congestion issues during rush hours and ensure road safety within AMATA Industrial Estates and neighboring areas, using the "6E Concept" under the ‘Safety City, Smart City’ project.


The Company has continuously and timely improved the road structures and surfaces in AMATA Industrial Estates, including by providing Line Official channels: @AmataCityChonburi and @AmataCityRayong for check-in and giving information about the location where the traffic surface condition is damaged so that the Company can promptly repair to reduce the risky locations and road accidents.

Besides, the Company also collected the statistics of accidents in the past five years in order to identify the locations with high risks and their hazardous physical elements to improve the road structures, traffic patterns, and route patterns. In 2023, the Company utilized analyzed data to develop corrective measures, modifying traffic patterns in specific high-risk areas within the AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate during peak rush hours from 06:30 to 08:00 in order to help alleviate traffic volume and reduce congestion. For example, at the Kubota Roundabout, the Company adjusted the mandatory left-turn lane pattern throughout, prohibiting right turns into the roundabout, to prevent obstruction of through traffic. Additionally, vehicles intending to turn into side streets were directed to use the parallel canal road instead of entering the main road, and so forth.

The AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate conducted activities to reduce the risk of accidents and enhance safety within the industrial estate. This was achieved through road structure improvements, traffic pattern adjustments, and the additional installation of safety signs.

  • Improved dangerous roads at four locations by widening traffic lanes at the sharp bends.
  • Trial installation of roundabouts at the intersections of roads G1-M1 and H1-H2-H3.
  • Installed barriers in high-risk areas, at the three-way junction in front of Yokohama Tire Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and at the U-turn point in front of Cardinal Health 222 (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
  • Improved road markings for better clarity at high-risk junctions.
  • Installed 5 additional speed bumps.

Furthermore, enhancements have been made to the road surfaces, including painting speed bumps and traffic lane dividers and installing more visible warning signs and safety symbols. These efforts promote safety for road users and aid in reducing accidents.


Understanding road safety is an important factor in reducing accidents and the severity of the impacts incurred by road users if an accident occurs. The Company has implemented an aggressive campaign to raise awareness about complying with traffic laws, wearing helmets, fastening seat belts, obeying traffic rules, and driving with kindness. This campaign was being carried out in both the industrial estate and nearby communities and schools.

The Company created 25 promotional signs encouraging the use of safety helmets by employees and external individuals commuting within the industrial estate. Moreover, promotional activities have been conducted through the company's website, display screens, Line, and Facebook more than three times per week.

The Company's security and traffic control officers warn commuters without safety helmets and provide knowledge on road safety to the people who commute on the industrial estate's roads, including employees and contractors of the company who use motorcycles for work or patrol duties.


The Company has promoted and supported factories in both AMATA City Industrial Estates and related parties, including local government offices, hospitals, rescue teams, and clubs surrounding the industrial estates, to cooperate and work together in road safety management. In 2023, the Company organized a network meeting for emergency response, road safety, and the surrounding areas of the industrial estates to express opinions on collaborative development.

The Safety Promotion Project collaborated with 15 factories within the AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate to spearhead various activities. It commenced with a slogan contest for prize incentives, and the chosen slogans will be utilized to produce road safety signs. These signs will be installed within the AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate, along with other planned activities.

Furthermore, the Company has appointed a Safety Helmets Promotion Committee and announced this to relevant personnel and all related departments.


The Company has adopted a proactive management approach by networking with government agencies to enforce the related laws and regulations, including collaboration with community leaders and local authorities to take social measures to control and prevent road accidents, as well as cooperating with the factory networks in AMATA City Industrial Estates to create organizational standards for factory employees to comply with traffic rules for the safety of road users.

              The Company established a Traffic Solving Committee (TSC) consisting of representatives from government agencies, police traffic officers, local leaders, and factory representatives. The committee collaborates to determine measures for safe driving and road use within the AMATA City Industrial Estates. They create an implementation plan and seek input from relevant stakeholders. In 2023, the Traffic Solving Committee (TSC) did not hold meetings for both industrial estates but had an activity plan, conducted the activities, and regularly followed up. This included authorizing police officers to establish checkpoints within the industrial estate for traffic discipline and law enforcement. Additionally, the committee issued letters requesting cooperation on traffic discipline and conducted promotions for business operators within the AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate. They also announced the traffic discipline control zone, which includes enforcement measures such as fines, seizure, and removal.

Emergency Management System (EMS)

Since incident suppression and response to accidents are considered important factors that help contain and reduce the risks if a road accident occurs, the Company established the Command Centers and installed 132 CCTV cameras at 81 locations in AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate and 121 CCTV cameras at 50 locations in AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate for 24-hour surveillance.


Owing to data management and analysis of accident statistics over the past period, the Company was able to efficiently layout the operation plan, enabling the Company to efficiently provide information management training to its security staff to record the data of accidents throughout the year and use the data to analyze the causes of accidents in order to design the systematic improvement method. In addition, the Company had planned to use Geographic Information System: GIS to manage and analyze data in the future in order to enhance operational efficiency and achieve the goal of having safe industrial estates with zero accidents.

The performance result according to the 6E Concept in the “Safety City, Smart City” project revealed that in 2023, there were 293 accidents, resulting in 342 injuries and 4 fatalities. Although the number of accidents and injuries increased from the previous year, the fatality rate decreased by 50%, which is a significant reduction. The majority of the increased accidents were caused by speeding and driving under the influence. The Company advocates for discipline in driving and promotes safe driving behavior among commuters on both the estate's roads and the adjacent public roads.

As a result of its dedicated and continuous road safety efforts, in 2023, the Company won first prize for the "100% Helmeted Safety Organization" award from the Chonburi Provincial Road Safety Center.

Furthermore, the Company has also been awarded the Model Organization in Road Safety of the year 2023 from Road Safety Work Group in Provincial Level of Thailand (RSWGS) This program is financially supported by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth).

Safety around AMATA Industrial Estates

The rapid expansion of the surrounding communities due to the growth of the AMATA Industrial Estate has increased the fire risk due to the dense population. To address this, the Company has ensured readiness by consistently preparing both staff and equipment to assist the communities. Additionally, they have provided basic firefighting knowledge to schools and communities. In 2023, the Company's Emergency Response Center, staffed with legally trained firefighting and disaster relief specialists, responded to and extinguished fires in communities surrounding the industrial estate six times, with one incident occurring in the communities surrounding AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate and five incidents around AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate. The Company covered all firefighting expenses, totaling 31,000 baht.

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