Environmental Quality Control 


Industrial estate development is a business activity that can lead to environmental pollution, directly impacting the quality of the environment in the area and the health and well-being of stakeholders working in these industrial estates and neighboring communities. Insufficient management of environmental quality may result in stakeholders losing trust. This, in turn, could provoke opposition from the local community to future business expansions and potentially lead to the revocation of the Company’s business license.


The Company's efforts to manage and control environmental quality in large industrial estates facilitate the development of new products and services. By embracing modern and efficient innovation and technology, the Company ensures close monitoring of the environment. This enhances stakeholder trust in the Company's operations and satisfies customers who prioritize environmental concerns. Moreover, the Company can share its expertise in environmental management with the society and country where it operates.

Management Approach

The Company has conducted an assessment of the environmental risks and impacts associated with its operations throughout the supply chain. It has also monitored the activities of suppliers, contractors, and factories within both AMATA industrial estates that could potentially lead to adverse environmental effects. Based on this assessment, significant environmental issues affecting stakeholders include air pollution, industrial and solid waste, water pollution, factory noise, and odors. Consequently, the Company has prioritized the monitoring and control of these environmental impacts to meet or exceed legal requirements. This involves selecting appropriate and efficient technologies, complying with relevant laws governing business operations in industrial estates, adhering to measures outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, and following various environmental standards.

The Company collaborates with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) to supervise and monitor both AMATA's industrial estates, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations while minimizing negative impacts on society and the environment. It adheres to the measures outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report to prevent, correct, and monitor environmental impacts within the industrial estates. These efforts aim to build community trust in environmental management and promote guidelines based on environmental governance principles. The results of these endeavors are as follows:

Implementation according to measures specified in the EIA report

1. Environmental Monitoring and Control Center: EMCC

The Company acknowledges the environmental impacts caused by factories located in AMATA Industrial Estates, which are beyond the Company's direct control. Therefore, the Company has established the Environmental Monitoring and Control Center (EMCC) since 2013 to continuous monitor environmental quality in both AMATA industrial estates aiming to ensure that environmental quality indicators such as air pollution and wastewater, meet legal standards. The EMCC integrates environmental quality data from both industrial estates, consisting of five systems, and displays real-time environmental quality data online 24/7, as shown in the diagram below.

Continuous monitoring of environmental quality at the Environmental Monitoring and Control Center (EMCC) instills confidence in stakeholders that the Company prioritizes environmental impact management and diligently monitors environmental quality. This ensures that environmental issues within the AMATA industrial estates are promptly addressed and resolved. All environmental quality data in the AMATA industrial estates are linked to EMCC of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand.

In 2023, neither the Company nor the factories in both AMATA industrial estates violated any environmental laws or regulations. Environmental quality indicators, such as air quality and wastewater quality following treatment from the central wastewater treatment system, all met legal standards.

2. Disclosure of the actions and performance according to Preventive & Corrective Measures for Environmental Impacts (EIA Monitoring Report)

The Company discloses its actions and performance according to the environmental impact preventive and corrective measures in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Monitoring Report, which is submitted every six months to the Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy Planning (ONEP), the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), the Office of Environmental and Pollution Control 13 (Chonburi), and the Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment. The report discloses the performance after the implementation of preventive and corrective measures stated in the EIA Monitoring Report in both AMATA City Chonburi and AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estates. The Company also presents the EIA Monitoring reports every six months to the Environmental Quality Audit Committee of both industrial estates, which consists of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), AMATA environmental officers, local government representatives, local community representatives, and representatives from the factories in AMATA Industrial Estate.

In 2023, the Company presented the results of the EIA Monitoring Report to the Environmental Quality Audit Committee of both industrial estates in four meetings with the objective of allowing the committee.

1) to provide feedback and suggestions on environmental-related operations in the industrial estate, the impacts from environmentally-related industrial activities, and issues or complaints related to the environment,

2) to acknowledge the results of the environmental quality monitoring within and outside the industrial estates, and

3) to help distribute accurate knowledge and understanding of environmental management and to foster community trust in industrial estate management. 

The Environmental Quality Audit Committee of both industrial estates did not have any suggestions concerning the environmental impact caused by the Company’s operations. However, there were some suggestions for the Company to increase the efficiency of the operations management of both industrial estates:

Suggestions from the
Environmental Quality Audit Committees

AMATA City Chonburi
  • Request for promoting knowledge and understanding of wastewater and waste management in the community to collectively address issues related to wastewater and waste. This can significantly impact the quality of surface water and community waste management. For instance, the Nong Mai Daeng community project serves as a sustainable model for wastewater and waste management. It is essential to expand such initiatives to other communities surrounding the AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate, such as the Khlong Tamru community, Don Hua Lo community, and others in the future.

  • Request for assistance in solving traffic problems, especially at the connecting areas between the industrial estate and the surrounding community, and improving traffic flow efficiency. Increase the number of security personnel to facilitate convenience during rush hours, and police officers, especially at the connecting points between the industrial estate and the community, schools, etc. Also, propose the use of an application to monitor incidents that occur within the industrial estate, in conjunction with CCTV, especially regarding traffic and accidents, to promote the development of the industrial city in terms of Smart Safety. Additionally, expand the outcomes of the Safety Road project of AMATA Industrial Estate to other industrial estates.

  • Request assistance in expanding the Farm to Factory project to surrounding communities on a larger scale. This will facilitate the distribution of local community products and goods to consumers within the industrial estate, while also promoting and supporting the project among factories within the estate. The expansion aims to enrich consumer markets among factory groups, providing additional market channels for factories to access community products through the Farm to Factory project. Whether through factory canteens or factory flea markets, this initiative will bolster the local economy in collaboration with industrial factories within the estate and CSR associations through the AMATA Chuan Shop project.

  • Request support and promotion for expanding the Eco School project to other schools surrounding the AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate. This initiative aims to bolster environmental conservation and safety knowledge among youth and community members, while also encouraging active participation in collaborative activities with factories through the Eco Community project of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT). This collaboration aims to foster community involvement in environmental initiatives.

  • Request better management of the green areas serving as buffer zones adjacent to various communities by measuring, counting, and increasing the number of trees. This aims to mitigate environmental impacts that may affect the communities, such as issues related to unpleasant odors, airborne dust, and excessive noise.

  • Request AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate to enhance the utilization of clean energy from solar power systems in various activities within the industrial estate. This can begin with integrating solar energy into centralized public utilities across the estate, such as traffic lights, signals, and street lighting. The initiative can then be expanded to cover the extended areas of AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate. Additionally, providing knowledge and supporting community use of solar cells is essential for sustainable development.
AMATA City Rayong
  • Request for training activities to educate operators in the industrial estates, particularly foreign operators, on environmental laws and safety measures for business operations within the industrial estate. This is to minimize the potential environmental impacts by the factories, such as air pollution, odors, water pollution, and noise pollution, which may negatively affect the community.

  • Request for assistance in addressing traffic issues during rush hours by efficiently managing traffic flow and facilitating traffic management. This includes regulating vehicle speeds and coordinating with the police to establish a collaborative network for stricter traffic discipline.

  • Encourage the AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate to enhance support for educational activities and offer scholarships to underprivileged children, particularly those in the surrounding communities of the industrial estate.

Implementation according to the government policy

1. Eco-Industrial Town Development

The Company has collaborated with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) in developing AMATA industrial estates as Eco-industrial Towns according to government policy.

The guidelines for a development plan are in line with the development framework laid out by the IEAT, which consists of 5 dimensions and 22 aspects. The five dimensions, which are physical, economic, environmental, social, and management, are related to the Company’s stakeholders: local communities, customers, employees, factory employees, and local government authorities. There are three levels of eco-industrial town development, namely Eco-Champion, Eco-Excellence, and Eco-World Class. The Company has targeted upgrading both AMATA industrial estates to achieve Eco-World Class levels in 2025.

The Company has carried out activities and projects to develop Eco-industrial Town at AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate and AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate, such as setting up traffic management and industrial waste management committees, creating jobs in the communities, conducting comprehensive environmental management systems, improving the well-being of people in communities and factories, and improving its internal information management system.

2. Environmental Governance Assessment

The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) has conducted the Environmental Governance – Green Star Award Project through the Factory Assessment Regulatory Committee, consisting of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, local governmental authorities, communities within a radius of 5 kilometers from the industrial estates, and the Company, as an industrial estate developer, to assess and regulate factories in both AMATA industrial estates according to the environmental governance assessment, which required that the environmental management information and performance of the factories participating in the project be disclosed and assessed. Additionally, advice on improving the factory management system was provided free of charge by the representatives from the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand and the experts. Representatives from local governmental authorities and community leaders also participated in the factory assessment and site visits in order to foster transparency and an accurate understanding in the local communities. The Environmental Governance - Green Star Award Project consists of 5 dimensions and 13 topics as follows:

  • Physical Dimension

    1. Green area management
    2. Drainage system

  • Economic Dimension

    3. Promotion of local community economy.

  • Environmental Dimension

    4. Water management, energy consumption and alternative energy utilization
    5. Management of industrial waste, sewage, and solid waste
    6. Air quality management
    7. Chemical Emission and Process Safety Management (PSM)
    8. Employee health and safety
    9. Accident and emergency management
    10. Complaint management

  • Social Dimension

    11. Quality of life and society of employees in the factory
    12. Quality of life and society of surrounding communities

  • Management Dimension

    13. Factory management system

In 2023, eight factories from AMATA City Chonburi Industrial Estate, and five factories from the AMATA City Rayong Industrial Estate participated in the assessment. A representative from the Company was a member of the factory assessment regulatory committee. It was found that all factories that participated in the assessment for the Environmental Governance (Green Star Award) Project met the assessment criteria with a score of more than 80%, which is classified as a good to excellent level.

Social and Environmental Complaints Management

The Company provides various complaint channels for stakeholders who are affected by environmental pollution and can easily access and report the information directly, in accordance with ISO 14001:2015, to properly classify and handle each type of complaint.

Complaint Channel

Online channel:

  • Line@: @AMATACityChonburi, @AMATACity Rayong
  • Facebook: AMATACorp
  • Tel: 038-213-191

Offline channel:

  • Community committee meetings
  • Meetings of customer and manufacturing operators in industrial estates

Record and Assessment

  • Complaints from all channels will be recorded in Complaint Management System 

  • The system will automatically forward the complaints to relevant departments for management and resolution 

Management and Solution

  • Relevant departments investigate the complaints and estimate the correction period 
  • Complete the correction 
  • Provide appropriate remedies for affected people 
  • Set up risk mitigation and preventive measures and regularly monitor them 

Result Reporting

  • Report complaint management results to stakeholders 
  • Report a summary of complaint resolutions to management on a regular basis 
  • Disclose complaint management information in the annual sustainability report 
The Company’s social and environmental complaint management will emphasize the engagement of various stakeholders by taking into account the rules, regulations, or related laws as the solution guidelines, including cause analysis in order to find the preventive measures at the source, of which the management procedure can be divided into two levels: 

1) Consultation:

If a complaint is found arising from the working process in the customer’s plant or in the common area of the industrial estate, the Company will consider to dispatch an environmental staff or related departments to explore the site in order to advise its customer how to improve the working process and the primary problem-solving guidelines including seeking the advice from specialists or experts from government agencies for implementation of improvements.

2) Operation through the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand:

In case the complaint has not yet been resolved and there is a repetitive complaint, the Company will escalate the complaint to the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand to inspect the process including coordinating the collaboration with the competent supervision authority to further formulate the management approach, cause analysis and prevention measures.

In 2023, the Company received 19 environmental complaints through various channels, consist of 8 inter-factory complaints,10 complaints from the community to the factory, and one significant environmental complaint from stakeholders about direct impacts from the Company’s operations.

 The Company managed those complaints in accordance with ISO 14001:2015, collaborating with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand and community representatives to investigate and resolve the reported cases.  All 19 complaints (100%) were successfully resolved.

Environmental Complaints in
AMATA City Chonburi, AMATA City Rayong, and AMATA Smart City Chonburi